Art Voltage: Creativity vs Time


As designers we always wish that we have more time on the projects we work on to craft every detail of it. How lovely would it be if we didn’t have to rush and could spend days crafting the logotype or taking long walks in parks for colour inspirations?

But would it?

As years went by and I became more confident in my design work, I came to realise that the best ideas don’t always come when you take your time.
Sometimes we get in projects that need to be rolled out in a week. The lack of time, as bad as it sounds, pushes us to be more confident in our ideas, and funnily enough more free. Because with the sense of urgency and clients requests to hit the deadlines we can make decisions more quickly and worry less about the clients feedback.

When the urgency comes from the client, they are more likely to take responsibility for the speed of the project and its results.


Art voltage is one of those kinds of project…

Art Voltage is an audiovisual partnership of Basak Callioglu and Derin Bayhan where they turn their passion of non-fiction short or feature films into production.

Subjects vary from social and environmental issues to arts.

We love colours and bold statements so we were not afraid to push this identity. By doing so we’re creating a fun and colourful identity. This added value and excitement to the business already. We are still working on some of the applications of the concept (because of course there is a limited amount of work to be done when time is limited) and learning more and more that we shouldn’t limit our creativity by negative affiliations…